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تحت رعاية الأستاذ الدكتور نذير عبيدات، رئيس الجامعة الأردنية، والدكتورة منار أغا النمر، رئيس

هيئة المديرين في أكاديمية مدلاب (The Academy MedLabs by ). تم افتتاح مختبر تدريبي

متطور في قسم العلوم الطبية المخبرية بكلية العلوم، بتمويل ودعم كامل من مختبرات مدلاب

وأكاديمية مدلاب.

شهد حفل الافتتاح حضور عدد من الشخصيات البارزة، من بينهم الدكتور حسيب صهيون،

المؤسس والرئيس التنفيذي ورئيس مجلس إدارة مختبرات مدلاب، والدكتور أشرف أبو كركي.

نائب رئيس الجامعة الأردنية لشؤون الكليات العلمية، والدكتور محمود الجاغوب، عميد كلية

العلوم. والدكتورة ربا عابد، عميد أكاديمية مدلاب، والسيدة زينة صهيون، نائب رئيس هيئة

مديرين أكادمية مدلاب. والدكتور أحمد أبو صينية. رئيس قسم العلوم الطبية المخبرية. الاضافة

إلى عدد من موظفي أكاديمية مدلاب وأعضاء هيئة التدريسى من قسم العلوم الطبية المخبرية

في الجامعة.

وخلال الحفل. أكدت الدكتورة منار آغا النمر على أهمية التعاون بين الجامعة الأردنية وأكاديمية

مدلاب في دعم التعليم والتدريب العملي للطلبة. وأشارت إلى أن الفحوصات المخبرية تعتمد

بشكل أساسي على الدقة العالية، مما يعزز مستوى المختبرات الصحية في المملكة ويفتح آفاقا

واسعة لفرص توظيف خريجي المختبرات الطبية.

من جهته، أعرب معالي الأستاذ الدكتور نذير عبيدات عن سعادثه بهذه الشراكة الاستراتيجية،

مشددا على أهمية توفير تدريب عالي الجودة يجمع بين المعرفة العلمية والمهارات العملية

وفق أعلى معايير اعتمادات الجودة المحلية والعالمية.

يأتي هذا التعاون في إطار استراتيجية مختبرات مدلاب التي تهدف إلى بناء شراكات فعالة مع

القطاع العام، للمساهمة في تطوير قطاع المختبرات الطبية في الأردن، ورفع مستوى الكفاءة

المهنية للكوادر الطبية المخبرية في المملكة

[ Modified: Thursday, 17 October 2024, 4:42 PM ]
by Admin User - Tuesday, 3 September 2024, 2:25 PM
Anyone in the world

Personal growth doesn’t just happen—it takes a plan.
A Personal Development Plan (PDP) is a strategic tool to help you achieve your professional goals and become the best version of yourself.
Here’s how to create one:
1. Self-Assessment: Take a look at where you are now. What are your strengths? What do you need to improve?
2. Goal Setting: Set clear, simple goals that align with what you want to achieve in the long run.
3. Action Planning: Plan the steps you need to take to reach your goals. Be specific about what you’ll do and when.
4. Skill Building: Identify the skills you need to develop. Invest time in learning and practising these skills.
5. Tracking Progress: Regularly check how you’re doing. Are you moving toward your goals? Adjust your plan if needed.
6. Seeking Feedback: Ask for feedback from people you trust. Their insights can help you improve and stay on track.
7. Reflecting and Adjusting: Take time to reflect on your progress. Celebrate your wins, learn from challenges, and make changes to your plan as needed.
A Personal Development Plan helps turn your goals into reality, step by step.
What’s one goal you’re working on right now?

[ Modified: Tuesday, 3 September 2024, 2:58 PM ]
Anyone in the world

In coaching, there's a powerful approach that goes beyond problem-solving: Appreciative Inquiry.

This method centres on identifying and building upon strengths and successes, fostering a culture of positivity and growth.

Appreciative Inquiry encourages us to explore peak moments of achievement and the core strengths that enable them.

It's about celebrating what's already working well and using these insights to fuel even greater progress.

Imagine coaching sessions where the emphasis isn't just on addressing challenges but leveraging existing strengths.

It's like uncovering hidden gems that, when polished, shine brighter and guide individuals and teams towards their full potential.

I believe that by integrating Appreciative Inquiry into our coaching practice, we create a ripple effect of optimism and continuous improvement.

It's about cultivating an environment where strengths are nurtured, achievements are celebrated, and growth becomes a natural outcome.

Let’s reflect:

How can we apply Appreciative Inquiry to amplify strengths in our coaching sessions?

What successes can we highlight to inspire positive change?

And how can we foster a coaching culture that thrives on strengths and fuels sustainable development?

Because when we focus on magnifying strengths, we unlock untapped potential and pave the way for meaningful transformation.

Anyone in the world

“The Academy” By MedLabs Signs a Cooperation Agreement with Knowledge Beam Information Systems

“The Academy by MedLabs”, (Al-Aseel Academy for Human Resources Training and Development), recently signed a cooperation agreement with Knowledge Beam Information Systems to establish a Learning Management System (Moodle LMS). This will enable the Academy to centrally organize and manage courses and educational activities, coordinate distance learning services, and provide communication tools such as forums, instant messaging, and chat rooms. Additionally, it offers important features like reporting and analytics, as well as file and educational resource management.

The agreement was signed by Dr. Manar Agha Al-Nimer, Chairman of the Board of The Academy by MedLabs, and Ms. Sarah Qafqaf, Deputy GM of Knowledge Beam. The signing ceremony was held at MedLabs’ headquarters in Amman. The agreement includes coordination between both parties in the implementation of the Learning Management System, which will positively impact the Academy’s performance by leveraging all the features that make the LMS a powerful tool for enhancing and facilitating the educational process.

This collaboration aligns with MedLabs’ commitment to supporting education and training, and its belief in the importance of equipping students of The Academy by MedLabs with effective tools and systems that form the cornerstone of education. The Academy aims to provide students, professionals, and job seekers with the necessary technical and life skills in the field of medical laboratories for a productive and impactful career that earns the appreciation of both patients and employers. Among the Academy’s other objectives is to increase employment opportunities and the demand for highly skilled Jordanian professionals in the local and regional markets.

Dr. Manar Agha Al-Nimer, Chairman of the Board of The Academy by MedLabs, emphasized the importance of cooperation between the two parties and how it aligns with the academy’s strategy to build fruitful partnerships with service providers and modern technology companies, saying “This will enhance the quality of training and education provided by The Academy to achieve the best interests of professionals and serve the local and regional laboratory sector and job market”. She added: “We believe education is the gateway to unlimited potentials, self-development and knowledge, which is in line with The Academy’s goals of leveraging the medical laboratory science profession and its practitioners”.


About The Academy by MedLabs: 

The idea to create The Academy by MedLabs was sparked in 2015 when MedLabs, the largest employer of medical laboratory technologists in Jordan, began to notice that young graduates joining various healthcare institutions were not fully prepared for the jobs they were starting, whether in terms of technical or capacity building skills. 

They were inspired to find a way to bridge the knowledge gap and provide the next generation with the skills they need to enter the workforce. Thus, The Academy by MedLabs was created. This academy, which was partially funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), offers educational courses on the basics of laboratory medicine, communication skills, and other fundamental medical laboratory and patient care courses in a face-to-face and online format, in addition to practical application in a training laboratory designated for this purpose. The courses, designed by The Academy, are endorsed by the Jordan University where a second Academy training lab will be set up as well.

The Academy aims to provide students, medical technologists, and job seekers with the necessary technical and human skills in the field of medical laboratories for a productive and effective career path appreciated by patients and employers. Among the academy’s other goals is to increase employment opportunities and demand for highly qualified Jordanian professionals for the local and regional market, with a special focus on a female workforce, through a team of experienced teaching specialists and the Academy’s modern, equipped facilities located in the heart of Amman.

MedLabs Laboratories is the largest group of medical laboratories in Jordan and the region, with more than 600 laboratory technicians working in more than 70 branches across five countries. MedLabs Laboratories is the only lab company in the Kingdom to have all of its 60 branches in Jordan accredited by the Healthcare Accreditation Council (HCAC) with a degree of distinction for each branch. In addition, MedLabs’ state-of-the-art Reference Laboratory in Amman offers more than 1000 lab tests accredited by CAP, ISO15189, CDC and CLIA, and receives thousands of samples daily from over 250 labs from Pakistan to Ireland, making Jordan a proud hub for diagnostic laboratory testing excellence in the MENA region.

by Admin User - Sunday, 18 August 2024, 2:45 PM
Anyone in the world

hange is constant, and let's be honest – it can be tough.


But how we respond to it makes all the difference.




That's what helps us navigate those uncertain times.


Building resilience isn’t about avoiding stress or difficulties; it's about facing them head-on and growing stronger through the process.


It's about adapting, staying positive, and keeping our eyes on the bigger picture.


Here are a few things that have helped me build resilience:


1. Stay Flexible: Embrace change as an opportunity rather than a setback.

2. Keep Learning: Continuous learning helps us adapt and stay relevant.

3. Seek Support: Lean on your support network – friends, family, mentors.

4. Practice Self-care: Take care of your mental and physical health.


We all have the power to build resilience.


It's a skill that grows with each challenge we conquer, enriching us personally and professionally.


Building resilience isn’t always easy, but it's always worthwhile.


Building resilience isn’t always easy, but it's worth it.

[ Modified: Monday, 19 August 2024, 2:36 PM ]
Anyone in the world

MedLabs Signs a Collaboration Agreement with the University of Jordan

MedLabs, represented by the “The Academy for Training and Human Resources Development”, has signed a cooperation agreement with the University of Jordan. The agreement aims to establish two medical laboratories for the training of medical laboratory science students, creating two educational models, one within the premises of the Academy and the other inside the University’s College of Science.

This collaboration aligns with MedLabs’ commitment to supporting the education sector and providing medical laboratory science students with an educational model and tools to aid them in their studies, equipping them with knowledge and practical experience for their future application. This is due to the importance of this field, which is considered a fundamental component of various healthcare sectors. MedLabs will also equip the laboratories with necessary laboratory equipment and devices for the training of fourth-year students in the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences at the College. The collaboration extends beyond establishing the medical laboratories and will encompass joint cooperation in the areas of training and learning, the development and implementation of accredited programs by both parties, conducting training courses, participating in professional diplomas, and conducting joint scientific research.

The agreement was signed by Dr. Manar Agha Al-Nimr, Chair of the Board of Directors of MedLabs Academy, and Dr. Nazeer Obeidat, President of the University of Jordan, in the presence of a distinguished group of representatives from both parties. Dr. Haseeb Sahyoun, Chairman of the Board of Directors of MedLabs, Dr. Ashraf Abu Karki, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Scientific Colleges, Dr. Mahmoud Al-Jagoub, Dean of the College of Science, and Dr. Ruba Abed, Dean of The Academy, were among those in attendance. The signing ceremony took place at the University of Jordan.

Dr. Manar Agha Al-Nimr, emphasized the significance of this collaboration and MedLabs Laboratories’ ongoing commitment to supporting the educational sector, particularly graduate medical laboratory students. This support aims to provide various training methods and prepare them for practical application after graduation, as laboratory tests require extreme precision and care to achieve accurate results, which will contribute to raising the level of the healthcare laboratory sector in the Kingdom and increasing employment opportunities for graduates of medical laboratory science, who will be highly qualified and equipped with both technical and personal skills.

Dr. Nazeer Obeidat, President of the University of Jordan, expressed his delight in starting a strategic partnership with MedLabs, a leader in the field of medical laboratories in Jordan. MedLabs was chosen to ensure the best training for students by enhancing their capabilities and enriching their knowledge in scientific content, practical work, quality standards, general safety, international and local accreditations, and instilling ethical standards in the medical laboratory profession.

MedLabs is considered the leading reference laboratory in Jordan, being the first private laboratory accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and ISO 15189. All medical laboratory tests conducted by the laboratory are continuously monitored and verified by them. Furthermore, all branches of MedLabs in the Kingdom have been granted the Healthcare Accreditation Council (HCAC) accreditation with distinction. MedLabs’ team, consisting of over 600 experienced and competent professionals, continues to apply the highest quality standards to ensure that their clients receive accurate results with the utmost professionalism and care.


[ Modified: Monday, 14 October 2024, 9:03 AM ]
Anyone in the world

The Academy by MedLabs”, (Al-Aseel Academy for Human Resources Training and Development), recently signed a cooperation agreement with Asaseeyat Consulting Services to transform the Academy’s curriculum material into online educational training programs using the latest and most advanced online teaching technologies. These programs will be made available to medical laboratory science graduates, working laboratory technicians, and other healthcare providers in Jordan and the Middle East.

The agreement was signed by Dr. Manar Agha Al-Nimer, Chairman of the Board of The Academy by MedLabs, and Dr. Awfa Faroun, CEO of Asaseeyat Consulting Services. The signing ceremony was held at MedLabs’ headquarters in Amman in the presence of the Academy’s Vice Chairman of the Board, Ms. Zeina Sahyoun, the Academy Dean, Dr. Ruba Abed and the Academy management team. Through this agreement, both parties will cooperate to automate the educational material developed by the Academy which aims to positively impact the medical laboratory profession leading to job-ready graduates equipped with 21st century technical and communication skills who will be valued by both patients and employers alike.

Both Asaseeyat Consulting and MedLabs Laboratories are aligned in their commitment to supporting education and training in healthcare. Through The Academy – a MedLabs’ subsidiary – the aim is to teach students the latest laboratory science innovations and technologies as well as the best in patient care, medical ethics and self-development. These skills are vital since diagnostic excellence in laboratory testing is crucial for accurate medical diagnosis by physicians and hence effective patient management.

Dr. Manar Agha Al-Nimer, Chairman of the Board of The Academy by MedLabs, emphasized the importance of cooperation between the two parties and how it aligns with the academy’s strategy to build fruitful partnerships with service providers and modern technology companies, saying “This will enhance the quality of training and education provided by The Academy to achieve the best interests of professionals and serve the local and regional laboratory sector and job market”. She added: “We believe education is the gateway to unlimited potentials, self-development and knowledge, which is in line with The Academy’s goals of leveraging the medical laboratory science profession and its practitioners”.

Mr. Awfa Faroun confirmed that this cooperation with The Academy by MedLabs contributes to strengthening the partnership with this important sector in healthcare services and opens up new horizons to update and develop training curricula and capacity-building programs that serve professionals and healthcare providers within their respective fields of work.


About The Academy by MedLabs:

The idea to create The Academy by MedLabs was sparked in 2015 when MedLabs, the largest employer of medical laboratory technologists in Jordan, began to notice that young graduates joining various healthcare institutions were not fully prepared for the jobs they were starting, whether in terms of technical or capacity building skills.

They were inspired to find a way to bridge the knowledge gap and provide the next generation with the skills they need to enter the workforce. Thus, The Academy by MedLabs was created. This academy, which was partially funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), offers educational courses on the basics of laboratory medicine, communication skills, and other fundamental medical laboratory and patient care courses in a face-to-face and online format, in addition to practical application in a training laboratory designated for this purpose. The courses, designed by The Academy, are endorsed by the Jordan University where a second Academy training lab will be set up as well.

The Academy aims to provide students, medical technologists, and job seekers with the necessary technical and human skills in the field of medical laboratories for a productive and effective career path appreciated by patients and employers. Among the academy’s other goals is to increase employment opportunities and demand for highly qualified Jordanian professionals for the local and regional market, with a special focus on a female workforce, through a team of experienced teaching specialists and the Academy’s modern, equipped facilities located in the heart of Amman.

MedLabs Laboratories is the largest group of medical laboratories in Jordan and the region, with more than 600 laboratory technicians working in more than 70 branches across five countries. MedLabs Laboratories is the only lab company in the Kingdom to have all of its 60 branches in Jordan accredited by the Healthcare Accreditation Council (HCAC) with a degree of distinction for each branch. In addition, MedLabs’ state-of-the-art Reference Laboratory in Amman offers more than 1000 lab tests accredited by CAP, ISO15189, CDC and CLIA, and receives thousands of samples daily from over 250 labs from Pakistan to Ireland, making Jordan a proud hub for diagnostic laboratory testing excellence in the MENA region.


[ Modified: Monday, 19 August 2024, 2:28 PM ]